
Janet Kanokwan Saesim

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Short biography of Janet Kanokwan Saesim

Thai model Janet Kanokwan Saesim birthday is on December 12, 1992. Her birthplace is in Bangkok ,Thailand. She is a beautiful model in Thailand. Thailand is the birthplace of many beautiful, seductive hot girls and she is among one of the popular top Thai beauties. Janet Kanokwan Saesim is also known by her nick named Janet. She is Thai model, car model and has done many photoshoots who attracts fans attention by her sexy dress, beautiful face, perfect body, no dead corners, charming and cute smile. Beside modelling she has started her journed as an actress on film. She also appeared on TV shows and hopes to see her best performance on TV in coming days. Beside of her beauty is full of many talents.

Janet Kanokwan Saesim
Janet Kanokwan Saesim
Janet Kanokwan Saesim

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