
Do men like silicone breasts and hairstyle of women?

Do men like silicone breasts and hairstyle of women? 1

  • If you are married, and the breasts have turned into something terrible after feeding the children, or there are defects in them, then, of course, your man may like the new silicone breasts. 
  • Especially if you pay for the operation yourself, rather than begging for money from him.
  • If you have complexes, flat or ugly breasts, then silicone can be the solution to these problems. 
  • Although most men will speak out for naturalness and natural beauty, this will not make it any easier. 
  • Everything is in the head. And I would directly recommend surgery to some girls. To feel more confident and say goodbye to complexes.

And by the way, not every guy can recognize whether a bust is natural or not. Of course, the huge “milking” will be visible immediately. But if everything is done carefully, none of the men will guess until you say it yourself.

A guy can touch and admire without even knowing that he likes silicone breasts. And he will be surprised when you tell him about it. However, sometimes it is better for them not to know about it at all.

Do men like silicone breasts and hairstyle of women? 2 

Why men like to touch women’s breasts

Guys love to touch what they like. Whether it’s just a purchased car, or a new passion. Well, of course, if you like a girl, you want to touch her everywhere, including her breasts. And men also love to caress their breasts, nibble, wrinkle and sometimes sleep on it. Such a multifunctional toy for the male sex went to women.

By the way, it has been proven that stimulation of female nipples arouses a partner to intimate exploits. This is another answer to the question of why men like to touch women’s breasts.

  • They at the subconscious level understand that by caressing women, they arouse the desire to copulate. 
  • That is, in order to achieve what you want from a lady and she will like it in bed, you need to touch your breasts. 
  • If the partner gets pleasure, the union will be strong. 
  • Well, at least in the intimate sphere for sure.

These are the conclusions I made while studying the question of why men like female breasts. It’s easy to check how a guy treats your bust. If he likes you, then he is satisfied with all parts of your body. Besides, the chest is not all of you. Even men are delighted with beautiful neat lips, taut elastic pops and perky eyes.

Why men like long hair on women

I think it will not be a discovery for you that all this fashion for long-haired women has gone from ancient times. When a beauty’s braid was considered a symbol of her health, femininity and readiness for childbirth.

By the way, not all guys are delighted with hair extensions. Men love to touch the object of their adoration (that is, a woman). And men like her long hair because you can iron it and watch the girl comb it. 

Well, do not forget that unkempt long hair in itself does not cause delight in men either.

Also – most Japanese girls have long hair, so be sure to watch hot japanese porn.

Do men like curly or straight hair?

Curls – straighten, straight hair – curl! – this is the slogan of every girl. They always want to change something in themselves to become even more attractive. Although nature itself has already decided everything for them, you need to fight it! And, of course, they are tormented by the eternal question: which men would prefer curly or straight hair? I want to disappoint – both curly and ladies with straight hair.

Men don’t bother like that. They see an attractive girl. And first of all they look at her face. And only then on the ass, chest, hair and nails. So what is on the girl’s head does not play a major role. And my question about which girls are more beautiful: curly or with straight hair, surprised the guys. Most responded that it didn’t matter to them. The main thing is that they are. And preferably clean and well-appointed.


It is impossible to lure a man with a new hairstyle, long hair, if you do not physically attract him.

Guys like the hair of their beloved partners, but which ones – long, short, curly or straight – do not matter to them. Of course, if you suddenly decide to shave your head, it will greatly surprise your chosen one. But if the feelings are sincere, this will not destroy the relationship.

Until you run for hair dye, I’ll tell you one thing that every girl should understand for herself: uniqueness is why people love each other.

Trying to copy other personalities, to become “standard dolls” is not in vogue. It’s fashionable to be yourself. Of course, if you like to slaughter yard cats at night, wear a mohawk, you have little chance of attracting a live man. Although even for such a non-standard personality there is a person. Well, or humanoid.

Do men like silicone breasts and hairstyle of women? was first posted on September 21, 2021 at 10:40 am.
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